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To Install


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FIRST make a back-up copy of the distribution disk or downloaded file.

Print and file Userinfo.Reg. This contains your registration key.

System Requirements

Sms32V50.Exe requires Windows95/98/NT/2000/XP. A mouse or other pointing device is highly recommended to access the hypertext help pages.

To Install

You don't need to run setup. In fact there is no setup program.

Make a folder for all the simulator files and copy them from the distribution disk to this directory. If you have downloaded a Zip file, unzip it into this directory.

Create a shortcut to sms32v50.exe and/or create a shortcut on the start menu.


In a School College or University setting, the exercise files should be made available to students. These files are numbered as in this example - 02tlight.asm and 99snake.asm. The other example files demonstrate the capabilities of the simulator and are typical of the sorts of programs students might write for assignments. DEMO.ASM could be made available.

The other example files should be kept by the teacher for reference.

Note Userinfo.reg, if available, should be in the same directory as Sms32V50.Exe. Userinfo.reg contains the registration key that you need to run the simulator as a registered program. When Userinfo.reg is missing or faulty, the simulator runs in shareware mode. When you register, you will get instructions relating to Userinfo.reg. This file has nothing to do with the Windows registry. It is a text file containing the key. The name is a hangover from the days of Windows 3.11 when there were no registries.

Note The on line help should be in the same directory as Sms32V50.Exe

Network Installation

The simulator has been designed to run from a server. It does not need to be installed on workstations. This makes deployment simple. One day all software will be like this and stressed out network administrators will revert to being normal, kind, cheerful human beings.

Create a read only folder on the server and make sure all users can access it. (Create a share or use a public drive). Copy all the files from the distribution into the folder on the server. If they are zipped, unzip them. Provide a shortcut to sms32v50.exe for users to start up the program. The shortcut should specify a working directory where users have write permission such as their home folder.

Users need write access to their own home folder (a floppy disk would be OK too). Users need to save their work to this folder (or floppy). If the simulator starts in this directory, it will save an INI file in the user's directory that holds information about window positions and preferences. If the INI file is missing, the simulator will start with default settings and will attempt to create the INI file. If SMS starts in a read only directory, it will not be able to save its INI file. If possible, correct this non fatal problem.

To Run

If you have set up an icon, double click the icon or select the icon and press enter. You can double click on Sms32V50.exe within Windows Explorer or My Computer. You can drag and drop an assembly code file onto the program icon. Assembly code file names should end in .asm. You can drop any type of file into the simulator but the result is not likely to be useful.

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© C Neil Bauers 2003